
Donate to keep HAWK Aviators in the air.Donate today to keep our volunteer-based non-profit organization in the air. We ask for your time and financial support. Dedicated donations of time and “in kind” are our lifeblood.

The mission of HAWK Aviators, a.k.a. High Country Aviation Workshop for Kids, is to expose youth to aviation maintenance and flight concepts through on-hands education. Instructors are volunteers from the local EAA800 chapter and others with aircraft-related skills.

HAWK Aviators/High Country Aviation Workshop for Kids is organized under the laws of the State of Colorado as a non-profit corporation. The Internal Revenue Service determined HAWK Aviators qualifies as an IRS 501(c)3 non-profit public charity under the Internal Revenue Code.

IRS verification check Search for “High-Country Aviation Workshop for Kids”

Legal Address:
Hawk Aviators (High Country Aviation Workshop for Kids)
% Bruce Erickson, President
127 10 Road
Mack, CO 81525

Direct mail to:
Hawk Aviators (High Country Aviation Workshop for Kids)
P.O. Box 321
Loma, CO 81524

To direct your contribution through HAWK’s finance director John Caldwell press donate::

As aircraft owners, we love paperwork.
The following forms aid the aircraft donation process:
Contributions of Motor Vehicles, Boats, and Airplanes, IRS 1098-C
Non-cash Charitable Contributions, IRS 8283
FAA Aircraft Bill of Sale, FAA ac8050-2
The AOPA has a great guide to donating aircraft on their website: Selling an Aircraft
Understanding the Process of Transferring Ownership
Click here to open a new window to the AOPA site.

Reach out to us if you need assistance completing theses forms. Use the comment form below, or contact us via email: hawkaviators at gmail dot com