HAWK on TV: KREX5-KFQX Last Night

HAWK on TV March 26, 2021 Courtesy & © KREX5-KFQX/Nexstar Inc.
Click to watch HAWK on TV
March 26, 2021
Courtesy & © KREX5-KFQX/Nexstar Inc.

Did you watch this last night on KREX-KFQX last night?HAWK on TV
Click on the image and watch Natasha Lynn, William, Greg Lilley and Brian Miller explain the HAWK Aviators program.

Click on the video above or visit the Western Slopes Now website:
(HINT: Turn on the sound in the lower left corner of the video box)

William Completes Solo, HAWK Aviators/High Country Aviation Workshop for Kids, August 8, 2020, https://www.westernslopenow.com/news/local-news/hawk-aviators-2/

Become a Pilot, Student Pilot’s Certificate Requirements, FAA, https://www.faa.gov/pilots/become/student_cert/

The EAA Aviation Scholarship Fund is a program, managed by the Experimental Aircraft Association (national) and administered through the EAA Chapter network. This program provides up to $10,000 to deserving youths for their flight training expenses.
EAA Aviation Scholarship

About HAWK Aviators/High Country Aviation Workshop for Kids, https://hawkaviators.org/about/

Donors HAWK Aviators/High Country Aviation Workshop for Kids, https://hawkaviators.org/donors/


Going to Oshkosh

EAA 800 and HAWK are going to have a quick meeting. Then we are going to have a special lunch for our sponsors and supporters so they can see the airplanes off to Oshkosh.

Don is leaving the 19th Sterling and the Cherokee will follow later depending on weather. Ladd will also be going sometime during the week as he is flying his Carbon Cub in the Valdez show. It is really nice to have an airport in our area, MACK MESA AIRPORT (10CO), that is GA aviation friendly. MACK has the best Grass strip between the Utah state line and 11 road plus a really good asphalt strip. Come join us for the sendoff. The meeting is also going to be the meeting to go over check lists and make sure we have everything needed.

The kids cleaned the hanger and now we are starting the next build, the Zenith 701. I cannot even express the admiration I have for the kids work on the Dakota Hawk N280DH. They have learned a lot. We originally had 8 of our kids going to Oshkosh, but this number has swelled to 12 excited kids. I don’t think they expected to have an airplane, they helped rebuild, going to a large show. This weekend is the County Fair so several of our kids will not be present at the lunch as they are showing their Fair projects for judging. As in the past it seems farm kids still have a love of aviation.

For our Sponsors – Supporters be sure to come by the Teen Build Fly Area at Oshkosh and take a look at what your companies have help kids put together. All major logos will be prominently displayed on the aircraft. It is a flying billboard and is our ambassador for HAWK. A Copy of the TBF area is enclosed. The red area is the TBF area and is where the Dakota Hawk is to be displayed. We are keeping fingers crossed that weather cooperates for the flight out. it is a long way at 80MPH.

Teen Build Fly Area at Oshkosh
Teen Build Fly Area at Oshkosh in Red
