Did you watch this last night on KREX-KFQX last night?HAWK on TV
Click on the image and watch Natasha Lynn, William, Greg Lilley and Brian Miller explain the HAWK Aviators program.
Click on the video above or visit the Western Slopes Now website:
(HINT: Turn on the sound in the lower left corner of the video box)
William Completes Solo, HAWK Aviators/High Country Aviation Workshop for Kids, August 8, 2020, https://www.westernslopenow.com/news/local-news/hawk-aviators-2/
Become a Pilot, Student Pilot’s Certificate Requirements, FAA, https://www.faa.gov/pilots/become/student_cert/
The EAA Aviation Scholarship Fund is a program, managed by the Experimental Aircraft Association (national) and administered through the EAA Chapter network. This program provides up to $10,000 to deserving youths for their flight training expenses.
EAA Aviation Scholarship
About HAWK Aviators/High Country Aviation Workshop for Kids, https://hawkaviators.org/about/
Donors HAWK Aviators/High Country Aviation Workshop for Kids, https://hawkaviators.org/donors/