HAWK All Members Meeting – February 15, 2025, at 12:00PM Noon

HAWK Aviators www.hawkaviators.org
HAWK Aviators

Dear HAWK Members,

I am writing to cordially invite you to our upcoming annual ALL Members Meeting, scheduled for Saturday February 15, 2025, at 12:00PM noon. This is an important meeting, as we will be addressing several key items:

  1.     Election of Officers: We will hold elections for officers. Current officers are eligible for reelection, and we encourage members interested in leadership roles to consider running for a position.
  2.     Presentation on Current and Future Events: We will share detailed plans for upcoming events, which will include our annual Oshkosh Air Venture trip, community outreach programs and educational sessions. Your input during this session is invaluable as we shape our activities for the year ahead.
  3.     Discussion on Fleet Upgrade: A significant agenda item will be the discussion on replacing our current Piper Cherokee. We will present several key items and considerations for this upgrade, aiming to enhance our capabilities, continue our training program, maintenance program and safety standards.
  4.     Financial Review: We will also discuss our financial status, including a review of the past year’s expenditures, current financial health, and projections for the coming year. This is your opportunity to understand our financial strategies and contribute to our fiscal planning.

The meeting will commence at 12:00PM and is expected to conclude by 1:00PM. Please be punctual to ensure we can address all points on the agenda:
Mack Mesa Airport – HAWK Hanger
1048 R Road, Mack CO 81525

  • Agenda:
  •     Welcome and Opening Remarks
  •     Officer Elections
  •     Future Events Presentation
  •     Piper Cherokee Replacement Discussion
  •     Financial Review
  •     Open Forum for Member Input
  •     Closing Remarks

Any questions, you may contact any board member or President Bruce Erickson at 19702503629.
Your participation is crucial, and we look forward to your contributions to our organization’s future.

Yours very truly,

HAWK Secretary Erik Cornelison 1-970-250-4228

First Private Glider Pilot’s Certificate

Instructor Bruce Erickson, Britton and Designated Pilot Examiner Elliot Crawford, Courtesy & Copyright Trevor Rund, Photographer
Instructor Bruce Erickson, Britton and Designated Pilot Examiner Elliot Crawford
Courtesy & Copyright Trevor Rund, Photographer

Today marks a big event for HAWK. Britton is the first student to receive his Private Glider Pilot’s Certificate through the HAWK glider program.

Britton and Designated Pilot Examiner Elliot Crawford, Courtesy & Copyright Trevor Rund, Photographer
Britton and Designated Pilot Examiner Elliot Crawford
Courtesy & Copyright Trevor Rund, Photographer

Britton and Designated Pilot Examiner Elliot Crawford, Courtesy & Copyright Trevor Rund, Photographer Britton and Designated Pilot Examiner Elliot Crawford
Courtesy & Copyright Trevor Rund, Photographer

Instructor Bruce Erickson, Britton and Designated Pilot Examiner Elliot Crawford, Courtesy & Copyright Trevor Rund, Photographer Instructor Bruce Erickson, Britton and Designated Pilot Examiner Elliot Crawford
Courtesy & Copyright Trevor Rund, Photographer

New Private Pilot: Samuel R.

We have a new Private Pilot, Samuel R., 17 years old, EAA/Ray scholarship awardee. Great and wonderful news

Bruce Erickson, Instructor

Samuel is the latest to complete his private pilots certificate training with scholarship support from EAA and the local chapter EAA800.

HAWK on TV: KREX5-KFQX Last Night

HAWK on TV March 26, 2021 Courtesy & © KREX5-KFQX/Nexstar Inc.
Click to watch HAWK on TV
March 26, 2021
Courtesy & © KREX5-KFQX/Nexstar Inc.

Did you watch this last night on KREX-KFQX last night?HAWK on TV
Click on the image and watch Natasha Lynn, William, Greg Lilley and Brian Miller explain the HAWK Aviators program.

Click on the video above or visit the Western Slopes Now website:
(HINT: Turn on the sound in the lower left corner of the video box)

William Completes Solo, HAWK Aviators/High Country Aviation Workshop for Kids, August 8, 2020, https://www.westernslopenow.com/news/local-news/hawk-aviators-2/

Become a Pilot, Student Pilot’s Certificate Requirements, FAA, https://www.faa.gov/pilots/become/student_cert/

The EAA Aviation Scholarship Fund is a program, managed by the Experimental Aircraft Association (national) and administered through the EAA Chapter network. This program provides up to $10,000 to deserving youths for their flight training expenses.
EAA Aviation Scholarship

About HAWK Aviators/High Country Aviation Workshop for Kids, https://hawkaviators.org/about/

Donors HAWK Aviators/High Country Aviation Workshop for Kids, https://hawkaviators.org/donors/


Annual Meeting and Saturday Workshops
on COVID-19 Hold

Annual Meeting and Workshops on COVID-19 Hold: HAWK Aviators www.hawkaviators.org
HAWK Aviators
The High-Country Aviation Workshop for Kids Leadership has decided to postpone our Annual Members Meeting and election of officers until this Spring. This is due to the continuing Covid- 19 restrictions. We are tentatively planning to meet sometime within the month of April. This should benefit us with some warmer weather and give us the opportunity to open up the Hangar doors for the meeting, and have an open air experience.on COVID-19 Hold

In anticipation of our upcoming Annual Members meeting, remember that in order to be eligible to vote, each member must be paid up with their dues, so they are in good standing.

The membership dues are $ 35.00 per year for adults 18 and over
reduced to $ 25.00 per year for active EAA members
$ 10.00 per year for youth members
They can be sent to this address: P.O. Box 321 Loma, CO. 81524

The opening of the regular, formal HAWK programs for youth have also been postponed until the beginning of March, 2021, due to Mesa county health department recommendations. We anticipate making an updated announcement around the middle of February giving more exact details about re-opening our program. We want to thank all of our members for their support during this past year and are very much looking forward to this new year.

Thanks again,

Bruce Erickson, Secretary