We are getting closer to having a flying airplane. The number of young eagles has jumped dramatically and funding is doing much better. Champion Aerospace donated a mag kit, Sky Tech a Starter, and the engine is almost together. The airplane is looking good. So we now need a propeller. WestStar Aviation donated funds to purchase one some time ago, so now I need to get delivery info and final cost. We now have 501C3 non-profit status from the IRS for the Hawk Society so we can give “in kind” donation letters for donations. We now have over 30 members. I need to set up a meeting at Oshkosh with Mr David. I will be there with my son Tres and the Rutan Boomerang. One of our member’s is Don Coleman the chief antique judge at Oshkosh. Our airport manager Ladd Klingelsmith has been invited to fly the STOL competition demo in his Carbon Cub. We are also working to have several of our young people at Oshkosh. We are trying to have the Hawk at Oshkosh but there is still lots to do.